Mid 2008 iMac With Ubuntu 20.04

My iMac is 12 years old, with a version of OS X that was released 5 years ago, and the last update for the operating system was 2 years ago. Simply, it was time to rejuvenate the iMac with a contemporary operating system. An iMac with Ubuntu seemed like a direction I needed to take…..and… Continue reading Mid 2008 iMac With Ubuntu 20.04

Enable Trim After Mac SSD Install

What Is Trim And Why Use It? Before we discuss Trim, let’s find out what a P/E cycle is. Basically, there are two processes involved when something is written to an SSD drive: Writing begins with erasing memory from flash memory cells. These cells are then programmed with the new information. This is called a… Continue reading Enable Trim After Mac SSD Install

Quickly Edit CSV Spreadsheets With Easy CSV Editor

What is the Easy CSV Editor? The Easy CSV Editor is a powerful text editor designed specifically for CSV/TSV tables and spreadsheets. Besides editing, it can also sort, find, find and replace, filter, and much more. The Easy CSV Editor is not a spreadsheet program. It performs no math functions. The Easy CSV Editor is… Continue reading Quickly Edit CSV Spreadsheets With Easy CSV Editor

The Spectrum Mystery Modem E31_2V1

Back Story: I use Spectrum Cable with a 300 Mbps download plan for my Internet. It is the fastest I can get in my area, and for the last couple of years, it has worked flawlessly. Recently, that wonderful euphoric digital state ended rather abruptly. My network would not stay connected. It went from “bad”… Continue reading The Spectrum Mystery Modem E31_2V1

Enable Trim When Using A Third Party SSD On Your Mac

What Is Trim? The most succinct and clear definition of what Trim is (and does) I have found came from a CNet article written by Dong Ngo (June 20, 2016): “TRIM allows the operating system to actively inform an SSD which blocks of data are no longer in use and can be wiped internally. This… Continue reading Enable Trim When Using A Third Party SSD On Your Mac

Using the Linux “Whatis” and “Man” Commands

Saying the Linux and Unix shell commands are not intuitive is an understatement of epic proportions.  It might be easier to learn Klingon.  There is help for finding out about the Linux and Unix commands however, and it is found in the unassuming commands, whatis and man.  The syntax for whatis couldn’t be simpler:  whatis… Continue reading Using the Linux “Whatis” and “Man” Commands